Saving the value of your equipment (usually 2,000-4,000 credits) matters more than scoring an extra kill or two (200 credits per frag). Similarly, if you find yourself in a no-win scenario, just retreat. If you don't like using the Operator sniper rifle, but your dead teammate does, snag the one that's lying on the ground and toss it to them (G) at the start of the next round-your team will net out a savings when rebuying equipment.
Oh, and grab any guns that are lying around that are an upgrade over what you're currently carrying. You can sell anything you've bought for 100% of its value. If a teammate is approaching this figure, ask them to buy equipment for you or another teammate by requesting something in the buy menu (right-click). The maximum amount of credits a player can carry mid-match is 12,000.
It's OK to lose an eco round in order to set the team up for a full buy where everyone has what they need. This is called an "eco round." The thinking here is that if your team half-buys-some of you have top-tier weapons, some of you have armor-you won't be synchronized in combat strength.

If most of your team is holding < 3,500 credits when the round starts, you should all buy lower-value equipment. Recognize that scoring information can be just as valuable as scoring a kill. Valorant provides plenty of probing abilities for this purpose, like Sova's Recon Bolt and Owl Drone, or Cypher's Trapwire. On defense, the most important thing in the opening seconds of a round is to figure out where the enemy is and relay that information to your teammates. This is probably how you'll want to shoot at longer ranges, but it's certainly possible to score a frag with a spray at 30+ meters. Valorant's training area is a valuable tool for practicing these techniques and tweaking your sensitivity, which should probably be as low as possible to allow for microadjustments at range. Tapping, on the other hand, is making individual mouse clicks, letting the recoil of the weapon reset a little between shots. Be patient in learning this technique-it can take a long time to get comfortable with if you've never played Counter-Strike. If you want to hit an enemy in the head, maybe aim for their belt by your fifth or sixth bullet. You can still be accurate with this method if you lower your crosshair to compensate for the rising position of your bullets. Spraying is firing off a long stream of uninterrupted, full-auto shots. Your bullet position will deviate more from the center of your crosshair the more shots you fire in succession. This is Valorant's recoil system-each gun has a 2D recoil signature, and really good players will intuitively know where the sixth or seventh bullets will fly. If you hold down Mouse 1, stand still, and point one of Valorant's assault rifles at the wall, they'll draw a pattern of bullets that looks like a T from the bottom up.